Rock River Baseball League

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - 2015

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Note: A minimum of 44 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Medium rubicon red sox
EJ Dornfeldt
1. EJ Dornfeldt .535
2. Lee Kaul .404
3. Chris Rowoldt .387
4. Eric Roecker .362
5. Kam Koplitz .316
Runs Batted In RBI
Medium rubicon red sox
Kam Koplitz
1. Kam Koplitz 22
2. EJ Dornfeldt 21
3. Shane O'Hagan 14
4. Lee Kaul 12
5. Joe Menzel 10
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Medium rubicon red sox
Shane O'Hagan
1. Shane O'Hagan 14
2. Lee Kaul 14
3. EJ Dornfeldt 14
4. Drew Giesen 11
5. Derrick Pankow 11
On-Base Percentage OBP
Medium rubicon red sox
EJ Dornfeldt
1. EJ Dornfeldt .614
2. Lee Kaul .544
3. Chris Rowoldt .479
4. Eric Roecker .439
5. Shane O'Hagan .395
Slugging Percentage SLG
Medium rubicon red sox
EJ Dornfeldt
1. EJ Dornfeldt .592
2. Chris Rowoldt .452
3. Luke Daley .436
4. Eric Roecker .431
5. Lee Kaul .423
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Medium rubicon red sox
EJ Dornfeldt
1. EJ Dornfeldt 1.205
2. Lee Kaul .967
3. Chris Rowoldt .931
4. Eric Roecker .870
5. Shane O'Hagan .814
Note: A minimum of 12 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Medium rubicon red sox
Kam Koplitz
1. Kam Koplitz 2.65
2. Chris Rowoldt 3.37
Innings Pitched IP
Medium rubicon red sox
Kam Koplitz
1. Kam Koplitz 71.1
2. Chris Rowoldt 69.1
3. Alex Braunschweig 6.2
4. Brian Odenwald 3.0
5. Drew Giesen 2.1
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Medium rubicon red sox
Kam Koplitz
1. Kam Koplitz 0.93
2. Chris Rowoldt 1.37
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
Medium rubicon red sox
Kam Koplitz
1. Kam Koplitz 7.07
2. Chris Rowoldt 8.70
Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched BB/9
Medium rubicon red sox
Kam Koplitz
1. Kam Koplitz 1.26
2. Chris Rowoldt 3.63
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
Medium rubicon red sox
Kam Koplitz
1. Kam Koplitz 6.56
2. Chris Rowoldt 6.49
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
Medium rubicon red sox
Kam Koplitz
1. Kam Koplitz 5.20
2. Chris Rowoldt 1.79
Note: A minimum of 1 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.